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Troubleshooting Guide
Staci Mitchell avatar
Written by Staci Mitchell
Updated over 7 months ago

If you're experiencing technical issues, try these simple troubleshooting steps:

  1. Refresh your browser: Often, simply refreshing the browser can solve many common issues. Click the refresh button or press F5 on your keyboard to reload the page. You might receive a pop-up dialog prompting you to save any unsaved work.

  2. Log in and out: Log out of your account and then log back in. This can help reset your session.

  3. Clear browser history - Cookies and cache store old information. Start fresh by clearing your browser's history. +Learn More

  4. Ensure you are connected to the internet: Verify that your device is fully connected to the internet and that the connection is stable. If you're using Wi-Fi, try moving closer to your router or resetting it. If you're in an area with spotty service, you might be switching between online and offline capabilities in PaintScout, which can affect your ability to upload media or send estimates. +Learn More

  5. Ensure you are only logged in to one browser or device at a time: Being logged into your account on multiple browsers or devices may result in overwriting saved work. Please log out of all other browsers and devices and try using the application on only one.

If you are still experiencing issues, please reach out to

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