What is CompanyCam?
CompanyCam is a photo-based application for contractors. Take unlimited photos, organize by project and annotate for easy and direct communication with your team!
Why should you connect CompanyCam and PaintScout?
With the CompanyCam and PaintScout integration, the photos you take in CompanyCam are instantly available to use on your PaintScout estimates.
How do I integrate with CompanyCam?
1. Click the person icon in the top right of your page and go to your Account Settings > Integrations section. Locate CompanyCam and toggle the switch on.
3. Once connected you will be able to select images from your CompanyCam account when adding media to your estimate. You will first choose the project, and then within that project, you can select the annotated or original version of the media.
Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshoot any issues you may experience with the integration by following these simple steps:
Head to the Integrations section and disconnect the CompanyCam integration.
Log out of PaintScout and give your browser a fresh start by clearing history, cookies, and cache.
Log back in, and reconnect to CompanyCam.
Test the waters by creating a new estimate and attach media from your CompanyCam project.
Questions? Reach out to our team at support@paintscout.com