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Hidden Items
Staci Mitchell avatar
Written by Staci Mitchell
Updated over 10 months ago

What are Hidden Items?

Hidden Items allow you to discreetly include specific information in your estimate without displaying the information in the estimate description. This is particularly helpful for including preparation work without your estimate looking crowded!

How to Use Hidden Items

To hide a surface follow these simple steps:

  1. On the surface, scroll down to the Advanced Options section.

  2. Select the Hide from Customer box.

You'll notice that hidden items are marked with an X symbol. This makes it easy to identify which items will be hidden on your estimate.

What Happens to Hidden Items?

  • Hidden items will not show up in your estimate description.

  • The hours and pricing related to the hidden item are still included in the total price and overall hours.

  • Hidden items will be visible on the work order.

All-Hidden Areas

When you hide all surfaces in an area you will be met with a warning message:

The content in this section won't appear in the estimate, but the pricing and hours will continue to contribute to the total cost. This area can now be viewed and edited from the work order.

Your estimate will also show a banner along the top to indicate that hidden items are present:

If you have any questions - reach out to our support team!

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