Production Rate Descriptions
Nastassia Reicher avatar
Written by Nastassia Reicher
Updated over a week ago

👋 Before diving into this article, make sure you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of production rates +Learn More

Area View Description/Substrate View Description

If you would like your rates to have default descriptions, add them to your settings!

1. Click the person icon and go to your Account Settings. Navigate to the Production Rates section and select one of your rates.

Scroll down to your descriptions and fill them out accordingly.

  • Area View: This information will be displayed within the area when your estimate is in the area view. Given that this description appears beneath the specific area or room you can get detailed and specify what surface you are talking about.

  • Substrate View: This will show under the surface when your estimate is in substrate view.

  • Crew Note: This note is associated with the surface and will only show on the work order for your team to see.

Area View Description - How it Displays on the Estimate

Substrate View Description - How it Displays on the Estimate 

Crew Notes - How it Displays on the Work Order

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