Accepting Quotes On-The-Spot
Nastassia Reicher avatar
Written by Nastassia Reicher
Updated over a week ago

You have the option to Accept Quotes On-The-Spot instead of sending it to the customer and having them accept it through the link. This is helpful if you are looking for a quicker sales process and the customer is ready to sign right away. 

How to Accept Quotes On-The-Spot

1. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the "Review and Send" button. Click "Preview/Accept."

2. A preview of the quote will appear where you can review. Click the "Accept" button in the top right of the screen. 

3. A window will appear with a box where the customer can manually sign. Click "Accept Quote." The Quote will then appear as Accepted. 

3. Send the quote to your customer if they would like a link to view their Quote. 

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